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This page was updated 3 years ago.

My Reading List

Some of the books I am reading currently are as follows:

Creating my portfolio

As I look forward to getting client projects, I am currently updating my portfolio, and shall make it public soon.

If you want to reach out to me with an offer, please contact me. I will try to respond as soon as possible. 🙂

I am open to web design and content writing projects. (Mostly on tech topics like software and apps and such.) I have written for various companies on various topics. These include articles about printer cartridges, digital marketing companies, web development and others. 

Following my passion for technology, I am currently working on writing reviews and tips on various apps, which shall be published shortly on this website. 

Added on: 26 July 2022

Testing the testimonial carousel

This is a creative way to use the testimonial carousel. It creates continuous marquee effect for potentially any type of content.

Using the Marquee

Hello, Click me! I am marqee text!
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